Formation au Cambodge
Training on "Scientific information in collective scientific assessments"

Training on "Scientific information in collective scientific assessments"

A "Training and Workshop: Scientific Information in a collective scientific assessment", led by Virginie Lelievre (DEPE-AgroEcosystem), Agnès Girard (PHASE) and Anne Laure Achard (AQUA), INRAE documentalists, took place from March 4 to 7, 2024, at the Royal University of Agriculture, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

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The main aim of this English-language training course was to acquire the skills needed to manage the documentary aspect of a collective scientific appraisal: searching for experts, searching for bibliographic material, using specific bibliographic management tools, citing bibliographic references in a text document and producing a bibliometric analysis based on a corpus. In addition, this training also aimed to raise participants' awareness of open science: identifying open-access bibliographic sources for scientific information research, and coaching researchers in best practices for scientific publication and open-access valorization (raising awareness of predatory publishers, publication costs, open-access publication paths, etc.).

The training program was developed in close collaboration with Laurence Goury, IRD documentalist.

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33 participants (researchers, representatives of public administrations, professors/lecturers, NGOs, librarians) attended the training, with great interest and dynamism. The 4 days were rich in exchanges and discussions with/among participants on the methodology and tools presented.

The training course was organized on the initiative of Malyne Neang (co-founder of the Ecoland "Ecosystem Services and Land Use Research Center" laboratory following her participation in the research school dedicated to collective scientific expertise "Between science and decision, what role for collective scientific expertise?" co-organized in 2022 by INRAE, IRD and Inserm. It is the fruit of a fruitful collaboration between scientific departments, INRAE divisions (DEPE, DAPP, DRI), IRD, Campus France and the Cambodian establishments involved in this wonderful professional and human experience.