New European Project STEP UP

Nouveau projet européen STEP UP : Sustainable Livestock Systems Transition and Evidence Platform for Upgrading Policies

The European Sustainable Livestock Systems Transition and Evidence Platform for Upgrading Policies (STEP UP) project brings together a consortium of 16 organizations from European Union countries (universities, research institutes and technical institutes), coordinated by the Irish agency TEAGASC.

It responds to the HORIZON-CL6-2023-FARM2FORK-01-6 Research and Innovation call for tenders. STEP UP aims to produce a platform of quantified knowledge to promote the development of sustainable livestock production systems. It is intended to help European decision-makers by providing them with scientific data on the impacts and externalities of environmentally-friendly livestock production systems within the food system. Existing knowledge on the positive and negative impacts of European livestock production systems will be gathered following an analysis of scientific literature and public policies. Data gaps for assessing the sustainability of livestock production systems in various social and environmental contexts will be identified. An in-depth analysis of case studies will be carried out to harmonize existing data, identify deficits and opportunities for new data collection and system development. New indicators to assess the externalities of sustainable livestock systems, taking into account all relevant factors in the value chain, will be developed. The multi-stakeholder approach (MAA) will be used to obtain contextual reference points for these new indicators, followed by a comprehensive impact assessment and cost-benefit analysis, and a quantification of the costs and benefits of sustainable livestock systems.

As part of this program, the DEPE will be in charge of mapping existing forecasts on livestock issues on a national, regional (multi-national) or European scale, in order to identify the archetypal scenarios that this literature outlines. DEPE will also coordinate the construction of sustainability scenarios for European livestock farming up to 2050, which will then be assessed using relevant indicators.