To broaden its network and share its skills with European peers, DEPE participates in Horizon Europe projects.
Improved coordination of national and European bioeconomy research and innovation programs in the European Research Area (ERA)
The RefreSCAR project (09/2023 - 08/2027) is a Coordination and Support Action (CSA) of the Horizon Europe program (Call "Innovative governance, environmental observations and digital solutions in support of the Green Deal", HORIZON-CL6-2021-GOVERNANCE-01). It involves 18 partners and is coordinated by TEAGASC (Ireland). The Standing Committee on Agricultural Research (SCAR), chaired by the European Commission, brings together EU member states and associated countries. It advises on European research into agriculture and the wider bioeconomy, and acts as a catalyst for the coordination of national research and innovation (R&I) programs. It is supported in these strategic functions by SCAR working groups (WGs), including a foresight group, which provide expert advice in specific areas. RefreSCAR aims to :
strengthen the strategic functioning and capacities of SCAR working groups to facilitate improved coordination of national and European R&I programs in the bioeconomy;
provide scientific support to SCAR WGs through regular project portfolio analysis, expert studies and support to SCAR's foresight process on themes relevant to Horizon Europe, the Common Agricultural Policy, the European Green Pact, Digital Europe and the Farm to Fork and Biodiversity strategies;
strengthen connections between SCAR WGs, key EU policy players, practitioners and relevant European and international initiatives through dedicated forums, helping to build a bridge between R&I, policy and practice.
L'INRAE coordonne la tâche "Support the Foresight Group in steering & disseminating the 6th Foresight" dans le WP5 ("SCAR Foresight & Studies") et contribue aussi au WP1 ("Coordination and management") et au WP4 ("SCAR-Align : Portfolio Analysis of projects in support of SCAR WGs") du projet.
Organics Targets 4EU
Organics Targets 4EU
From farm to fork, processing scenarios to promote organic agriculture and aquaculture
Transformation scenarios to promote organic farming and aquaculture With the Farm to Fork (F2F) strategy, the EU has set itself the target of achieving at least 25% of EU farmland in organic farming and a significant increase in organic aquaculture by 2030. The OrganicTargets4EU project aims to help achieve these goals. Based on an assessment of the main drivers and bottlenecks affecting the development of the organic sector, the project will set up a multi-stakeholder process to create possible scenarios for achieving them. Sur le site de la Commission Européenne (anglais)
MOuntain Valorisation through INterconnectedness and Green growth
As part of the Horizon 2020 project (2020-2024), this prospective study is coordinated by the University of Córdoba, and involves 23 partner organizations, including INRAE in Corsica. A partnership has been established between DEPE and the SELME LRDE unit in Corsica, which defines the value chain: Farine de Châtaigne de Corse AOP, an emblematic product of the Corsican mountains, is the result of a revival of flour production through certification of origin (Signe Officiel de la Qualité).
Horizon Europe sur la structuration du réseau de prospectivistes Eye of Europ
DEPE's participation in a European Coordination and Support Action (CSA) project aimed at structuring the foresight community in Europe: EYE Of EUROPE project Eye of Europe responds to the existing need to anticipate, explore and co-create future trajectories in, for and from research and innovation (R&I). Recognizing the diversity and unevenness of capacities and levels of institutionalization of foresight in research and innovation in Europe, our consortium draws on the experience of its 17 partners to coagulate existing energies and amplify them.
The aim of the project is to nurture and mature an R&I foresight community with increasing levels of inclusion (from foresight experts, to foresight beneficiaries, to thematic experts and the wider community) and progressive levels of integration (from mapping organizations and experts to sharing results, developing shared capabilities and emerging collective intelligence). To this end, the project methodology aims to (i) consolidate mutual learning and the sharing of practices between foresight practitioners and R&I policy-makers, (ii) harness the expertise of thematic experts for the benefit of the community, (iii) mobilize stakeholders in joint pilot activities, and (iv) involve a broad public in the co-creation of future imaginaries. Operationally, the project will establish and advance an online platform that will serve as a strategic base for the community, with its resources and capabilities; engage relevant stakeholders in personalized face-to-face interactions; and encourage future thinking through educational and creativity-stimulating materials.
Horizon CSA Fortuna
Les innovations futures pour la réduction de l’usage des pesticides en agriculture
Le projet européen Future innovation for pesticide use reduction in agriculture (FORTUNA, 01/2024 – 12/2027) réunit un consortium de 11 organismes de pays de l’Union Européenne (universités, instituts de recherche et instituts techniques) coordonné par le Julius Kuhn Institute.
Ce projet est une action de coordination et de support (CSA) du programme Horizon Europe qui répond à l’appel d’offre Towards research and innovation beyond farm to fork strategy targets for pesticides after 2030 (HORIZON-CL6-2023-FARM2FORK-01-4). FORTUNA vise l'identification et l'analyse des méthodes, outils et mécanismes disponibles d'un point de vue biologique/écologique, technologique et socio-économique, qui permettent de réduire fortement l'utilisation et les risques liés aux pesticides chimiques et, en fin de compte, de mettre en place de nouvelles pratiques agricoles sans pesticides. Les résultats et les stratégies seront discutés avec les parties prenantes tout au long de la chaîne alimentaire et d'approvisionnement, ce qui pourrait contribuer à une transition vers une dépendance réduite à l'égard des pesticides chimiques tout en favorisant des rendements satisfaisants et en permettant la sécurité alimentaire. L'un des principaux objectifs de ce processus est d'identifier les stratégies qui présentent un risque plus faible de pertes de productivité et de rentabilité que d'autres stratégies et de cibler les perspectives à long terme. Dans le cadre du projet FORTUNA, la DEPE a la responsabilité d’une tâche spécifique (Task 4.1) qui vise à identifier les connaissances manquantes et les besoins de rechercher en mobilisant les scénarios d’agriculture européenne sans pesticides chimiques en 2050 dans le cadre d’ateliers multi-acteurs et pluridisciplinaires. Contact :
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